Embracing A Damp January

January is supposed to feel like a new beginning, a fresh start but for most people you enter the new year feeling exhausted. You have just wrapped up a crazy busy holiday season and you are trying to get your house back in order. Depending on where you live, January starts the long cold dreary winter season. Not exactly refreshing. Somewhere along the line, someone marketed “dry January”, a month without drinking. I get the idea, and in theory, after a month (or two) of cocktail parties and too many late nights, it’s good to give your body a break. Alcohol isn’t exactly healthy. But it’s kind of like going on a juice cleanse, what’s the point when you know you are going to eat solid food again anyway? I’m much more into the “Damp January” trend (yay to whoever came up with that term.) No need to cut out drinking and cocktails completely but let’s just cut back a little.

Crafthouse is perfect for the “Damp January” drinker for several reasons (not just because I work for them). First, you can have one canned cocktail and get a nice buzz, perfect for the early evening hours when you need to wind down after a long day and it gets dark at 5pm anyway. Second, all the Crafthouse Cocktails are made with all-natural ingredients and real craft spirits so you can feel good about what you are putting in your body and you won’t feel hung-over the next day. Third, you can keep our bag-in-box cocktails on hand and just pour yourself a glass from the tap whenever you are in the mood and feel good that you are being eco-friendly. You can also add a splash of seltzer water to make them a little more watered down and last longer. With 15 servings in every box, you might make it the whole month (probably not, it’s best to have two boxes on hand just in case.)

Before you know it, it will be February with the Superbowl, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day weekend and plenty of reasons to start celebrating guilt free and we’re here for it all with our canned cocktails and boxed cocktails! Cheers!

Jen Stamper